Signups will be sent via Golf Genius email at 8:00 am on Thursday, September 5th. The Signup will close 1 week ahead of the event on September 12th.

Day 1: September 18th
Day 2: September 19th
Day 3: September 21st

Day One

(September 18th)

On the first day, Wednesday, September 18th, the LGA will be hosting a Pairing Party at the Tavern at Old Toccoa Farm at 6:00 pm. Tournament partners will be assigned. Pairs are created based on skill level to create the best experience for every player. Skill level is determined by handicap. In addition, each player will be assigned a team to compete for: Team Red and Team Blue. The pairings party will be a time to meet your partner, your captain and your team, to kick-off the inaugural Solheim Cup at Old Toccoa Farm.

Day Two

(September 19th)

Thursday will be the first day of competition. The day will consist of 2 different match play formats, 9-holes each.  The Tavern at Old Toccoa Farm will be catering a box lunch in between the two 9 – hole rounds.

Day Three

(September 21st)

Saturday is the second and final day of competition. The day will consist of 2 different match-play formats, 9-holes each. The competition will end with a dinner at The Tavern at Old Toccoa Farm to celebrate the winning team who has bragging rights for the year.

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